South Northumberland Cricket Club Wedding Catering

Dear Matt and Emma

Wow!!!!!!!!!! what great food. The biggest thank you to everyone involved in providing great food. The canapes were a gastronomic delight, the hot food magnificent and the sweet canapes put the icing on the cake. It made our wedding celebration a most memorable and perfect evening. The majority of our almost 100 guests gave us nothing but positive comments and feedback.
The planning, preparation and professional execution on the night was second to none combined with great value for money. We would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Jacob & Tori/ Jackson’s Catering as one of the North’s premier caterers.
Please convey our most sincere thanks to Lawrie, Steve and Gary for providing an excellent nonstop service throughout the entire evening. Your teamwork and industry made the evening a great success. Well done.
Once again, many thanks to everyone.

Yours sincerely

Steve & Lesley (the exceedingly happy newlyweds)

Wedding at South Northumberland Cricket Club, Gosforth

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